I can't believe I am sitting here eating breakfast. It's so fucking early and last night it was hard to fall asleep because of a beating headache and the cutest boy ever laying next to me, stroking my back. Don't get me wrong; I loved the latter part, but it is really hard to get out of bed when he is in it, and sometimes even harder to fall asleep. I'm so happy I am only working half a day tomorrow, and I have a whole day off on Saturday. I really don't know how much longer I could have kept this up without any decent sleep.
I don't really have anything to write about; but then again that has never stopped me before. I guess I shouldn't write; I am kind of dizzy, and sitting in front of the computer before I have to isn't the best recipe for a good day. I really like my job at Crestock, but when your head aches it's kind of a torture. I never get head aches though, I guess that's why I don't handle them better. And for more happy news; We rented out absolutely all the cabins while I was in the reception last night, so there is plenty to clean. Oh, yay.
I think I am gonna go pack my bed and sneak down under the blanket with Hannes for the remaining half hour. Oh, look at that, I actually wrote "pack my bed". Fun times.